Source code for

from hdlConvertorAst.hdlAst import HdlDirection, HdlOpType, \
    HdlOp, HdlCompInst, HdlIdDef, iHdlStatement, \
    HdlTypeAuto, HdlFunctionDef
from import Indent, iter_with_last
from import ToVerilog2005Stm

[docs]class ToVerilog2005(ToVerilog2005Stm): """ Convert HdlConverotr hdlObject AST back to Verilog 2002 """ DIR2V = { HdlDirection.IN: "input", HdlDirection.OUT: "output", HdlDirection.INOUT: "inout", }
[docs] def __init__(self, out_stream): ToVerilog2005Stm.__init__(self, out_stream) self._type_requires_nettype = True
[docs] def visit_doc(self, obj): return super(ToVerilog2005, self).visit_doc(obj, "//")
[docs] def visit_direction(self, d): """ :type d: HdlDirection """ vd = self.DIR2V[d] self.out.write(vd)
[docs] def visit_generic_declr(self, g): """ :type g: HdlIdDef """ self.visit_doc(g) trnt = self._type_requires_nettype try: self._type_requires_nettype = False w = self.out.write w("parameter ") if g.type is HdlTypeAuto: is_array = False else: is_array = self.visit_type_first_part(g.type) w(" ") w( if is_array: self.visit_type_array_part(g.type) v = g.value if v is not None: w(" = ") self.visit_iHdlExpr(v) finally: self._type_requires_nettype = trnt
[docs] def visit_port_declr(self, p): """ :type p: HdlIdDef """ w = self.out.write self.visit_doc(p) self.visit_direction(p.direction) w(" ") t = p.type if t is HdlTypeAuto: w("wire ") is_array = False else: is_array = self.visit_type_first_part(t) w(" ") w( if is_array: self.visit_type_array_part(t)
[docs] def visit_HdlIdDef(self, var): """ :type var: HdlIdDef """ self.visit_doc(var) name = t = var.type w = self.out.write if var.is_const: w("localparam ") assert var.value is not None, if t is HdlTypeAuto: if self._type_requires_nettype and not var.is_const: w("wire ") is_array = False else: trnt = self._type_requires_nettype try: if var.is_const: self._type_requires_nettype = False is_array = self.visit_type_first_part(t) finally: self._type_requires_nettype = trnt w(" ") w(name) if is_array: self.visit_type_array_part(t) if var.value is not None: w(" = ") self.visit_iHdlExpr(var.value) return True
[docs] def visit_map_item(self, item): if isinstance(item, HdlOp)\ and item.fn == HdlOpType.MAP_ASSOCIATION: w = self.out.write # k, v pair k, v = item.ops w(".") self.visit_iHdlExpr(k) w("(") self.visit_iHdlExpr(v) w(")") else: self.visit_iHdlExpr(item)
[docs] def visit_map(self, map_): w = self.out.write with Indent(self.out): for last, m in iter_with_last(map_): self.visit_map_item(m) if last: w("\n") else: w(",\n")
[docs] def visit_HdlCompInst(self, c): """ :type c: HdlCompInst """ self.visit_doc(c) w = self.out.write assert c.module_name self.visit_iHdlExpr(c.module_name) gms = c.param_map if gms: w(" #(\n") self.visit_map(gms) w(")") w(" ") w( pms = c.port_map if pms: w(" (\n") self.visit_map(pms) w(")") return True
[docs] def visit_HdlFunctionDef(self, o): """ :type o: HdlFunctionDef """ self.visit_doc(o) w = self.out.write if o.is_task: w("task ") else: w("function ") if not o.is_static: w("automatic ") if not o.is_task: trnt = self._type_requires_nettype try: self._type_requires_nettype = False self.visit_type_first_part(o.return_t) self.visit_type_array_part(o.return_t) finally: self._type_requires_nettype = trnt if o.is_virtual or o.is_operator: raise NotImplementedError(o) if not o.is_task and o.return_t is not HdlTypeAuto: # because " " is already written by previous string w(" ") w( ps = o.params trnt = self._type_requires_nettype try: self._type_requires_nettype = False if ps: w(" (\n") with Indent(self.out): for last, p in iter_with_last(ps): self.visit_port_declr(p) if last: w("\n") else: w(",\n") w(")") w(";\n") finally: self._type_requires_nettype = trnt with Indent(self.out): for s in o.body: if isinstance(s, HdlIdDef): self.visit_HdlIdDef(s) w(";\n") elif isinstance(s, iHdlStatement): need_semi = self.visit_iHdlStatement(s) if need_semi: w(";\n") else: w("\n") else: self.visit_iHdlExpr(s) w(";\n") if o.is_task: w("endtask") else: w("endfunction")
[docs] def visit_HdlClassDef(self, o): raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] def visit_HdlPhysicalDef(self, o): raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] def visit_HdlEnumDef(self, o): raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] def visit_HdlModuleDec(self, e): raise ValueError(self, "does not support a module headers without body")
[docs] def visit_HdlModuleDef(self, a): """ :type a: HdlModuleDef """ mod_dec = a.dec assert mod_dec is not None, a assert not mod_dec.objs, mod_dec self.visit_doc(mod_dec) w = self.out.write w("module ") w( gs = mod_dec.params if gs: w(" #(\n") with Indent(self.out): for last, g in iter_with_last(gs): self.visit_generic_declr(g) if last: w("\n") else: w(",\n") w(")") ps = mod_dec.ports if ps: w(" (\n") with Indent(self.out): for last, p in iter_with_last(ps): self.visit_port_declr(p) if last: w("\n") else: w(",\n") w(")") w(";\n") w = self.out.write with Indent(self.out): for o in a.objs: if isinstance(o, HdlIdDef): self.visit_HdlIdDef(o) w(";\n") elif isinstance(o, HdlCompInst): self.visit_HdlCompInst(o) w(";\n\n") elif isinstance(o, iHdlStatement): need_semi = self.visit_iHdlStatement(o) if need_semi: w(";\n") else: w("\n\n") elif isinstance(o, HdlFunctionDef): self.visit_HdlFunctionDef(o) w("\n\n") elif o is None: w(";\n") else: raise NotImplementedError(o) self.out.write("endmodule\n")