Source code for

from hdlConvertorAst.hdlAst import iHdlStatement, HdlStmCaseType, HdlIdDef, \
    HdlOp, HdlOpType, HdlStmBlock
from import iter_with_last, Indent, UnIndent
from import ToVhdl2008Expr

[docs]class ToVhdl2008Stm(ToVhdl2008Expr):
[docs] def visit_assert(self, args): """ :type args: List[iHdlExpr] """ w = self.out.write w("ASSERT ") for is_last, (prefix, a) in iter_with_last( zip(("", "REPORT ", "SEVERITY "), args)): w(prefix) self.visit_iHdlExpr(a) if not is_last: w(" ")
[docs] def visit_report(self, args): """ :type args: List[iHdlExpr] """ w = self.out.write w("REPORT ") for is_last, (prefix, a) in iter_with_last( zip(("", "SEVERITY "), args)): w(prefix) self.visit_iHdlExpr(a) if not is_last: w(" ")
[docs] def visit_HdlStmProcess(self, o): """ :type proc: HdlStmProcess """ self.visit_doc(o) sens = o.sensitivity w = self.out.write if o.labels: w(o.labels[0]) w(": ") w("PROCESS") if o.trigger_constrain is not None: raise NotImplementedError() if sens: w("(") for last, item in iter_with_last(sens): self.visit_iHdlExpr(item) if not last: w(", ") w(")") w("\n") self.visit_HdlStmBlock(o.body, force_space_before=False, force_begin_end=True) w(" PROCESS;\n")
[docs] def _write_begin(self, begin_end, must_have_begin_end, force_space_before): w = self.out.write if begin_end and must_have_begin_end: if force_space_before: w(" BEGIN\n") else: w("BEGIN\n") else: w("\n")
[docs] def visit_HdlStmBlock(self, stms, force_space_before=True, begin_end=True, force_begin_end=False): """ :type stms: Union[List[iHdlStatement], iHdlStatement, iHdlExpr] :return: True if statements are wrapped in begin-end block """ w = self.out.write in_preproc = False if isinstance(stms, HdlStmBlock): self.visit_doc(stms) must_have_begin_end = True in_preproc = stms.in_preproc stms = stms.body elif isinstance(stms, list): must_have_begin_end = len(stms) != 1 else: must_have_begin_end = False stms = [stms, ] must_have_begin_end |= force_begin_end non_declarative_seen = False with Indent(self.out): for s in stms: if isinstance(s, iHdlStatement): if not non_declarative_seen: non_declarative_seen = True with UnIndent(self.out): self._write_begin(begin_end, must_have_begin_end, force_space_before) self.visit_iHdlStatement(s) elif isinstance(s, HdlIdDef): self.visit_HdlIdDef(s) else: if not non_declarative_seen: non_declarative_seen = True with UnIndent(self.out): self._write_begin(begin_end, must_have_begin_end, force_space_before) if in_preproc: self.visit_iHdlObj(s) w("\n") else: self.visit_iHdlExpr(s) w(";\n") if not non_declarative_seen: self._write_begin(begin_end, must_have_begin_end, force_space_before) if begin_end and must_have_begin_end: w("END") return True return False
[docs] def visit_HdlStmIf(self, o): """ :type o: HdlStmIf """ self.visit_doc(o) w = self.out.write if o.labels: w(o.labels[0]) w(": ") w("IF ") self.visit_iHdlExpr(o.cond) if o.in_preproc: w(" GENERATE") else: w(" THEN") need_space = self.visit_HdlStmBlock(o.if_true, begin_end=False) for cond, stms in o.elifs: if need_space: w(" ") w("ELSIF ") self.visit_iHdlExpr(cond) if o.in_preproc: w(" GENERATE") else: w(" THEN") need_space = self.visit_HdlStmBlock(stms, begin_end=False) ifFalse = o.if_false if ifFalse is not None: if need_space: w(" ") w("ELSE") if o.in_preproc: w(" GENERATE") self.visit_HdlStmBlock(ifFalse, begin_end=False) if need_space: w("\n") if o.in_preproc: w("END GENERATE;\n") else: w("END IF;\n")
[docs] def visit_HdlStmAssign(self, o): """ :type o: HdlStmAssign """ w = self.out.write if o.time_delay is not None: raise NotImplementedError() if o.event_delay is not None: raise NotImplementedError() self.visit_iHdlExpr(o.dst) if o.is_blocking: w(" := ") else: w(" <= ") with Indent(self.out): self.visit_iHdlExpr(o.src) w(";\n")
[docs] def visit_HdlStmCase(self, o): """ :type o: HdlStmCase """ self.visit_doc(o) w = self.out.write if o.type != HdlStmCaseType.CASE: raise NotImplementedError() if o.uniq_constrain is not None: raise NotImplementedError() w("CASE ") self.visit_iHdlExpr(o.switch_on) w(" IS\n") with Indent(self.out): cases = o.cases for k, stms in cases: w("WHEN ") self.visit_iHdlExpr(k) w(" =>") is_block = self.visit_HdlStmBlock(stms, begin_end=False) if is_block: w("\n") defal = o.default if defal is not None: is_block = w("WHEN OTHERS =>") self.visit_HdlStmBlock(defal, begin_end=False) if is_block: w("\n") w("END CASE;\n")
[docs] def visit_HdlStmReturn(self, o): """ :type o: HdlStmReturn """ self.visit_doc(o) w = self.out.write w("RETURN") if o.val is not None: w(" ") self.visit_iHdlExpr(o.val) w(";\n")
[docs] def visit_HdlStmContinue(self, o): """ :type o: HdlStmContinue """ self.visit_doc(o) self.out.write("CONTINUE;\n")
[docs] def visit_HdlStmBreak(self, o): """ :type o: HdlStmBreak """ self.visit_doc(o) self.out.write("BREAK;\n")
[docs] def visit_HdlStmFor(self, o): """ :type o: HdlStmFor """ self.visit_doc(o) w = self.out.write w("FOR ") self.visit_iHdlExpr(o.params[0]) w(" IN ") self.visit_iHdlExpr(o.params[1]) w(" LOOP\n") with Indent(self.out): for b in o.body: self.visit_iHdlStatement(b) w("END FOR;\n")
[docs] def visit_HdlStmForIn(self, o): """ :type o: HdlStmForIn """ self.visit_doc(o) w = self.out.write if o.labels: w(o.labels[0]) w(": ") w("FOR ") assert len(o.var_defs) == 1, o.var_defs self.visit_iHdlExpr(o.var_defs[0]) w(" IN ") self.visit_iHdlExpr(o.collection) if o.in_preproc: w(" GENERATE\n") else: w(" LOOP\n") with Indent(self.out): if o.in_preproc: has_begin_end = self.visit_iHdlObj(o.body) else: if isinstance(o.body, HdlStmBlock): for _stm in o.body.body: self.visit_iHdlObj(_stm) else: self.visit_iHdlObj(o.body) if o.in_preproc: if has_begin_end: w(" GENERATE;\n") else: w("\n") w("END GENERATE;\n") else: w("END LOOP;\n")
[docs] def visit_HdlStmWait(self, o): """ :type o: HdlStmWait """ self.visit_doc(o) w = self.out.write w("WAIT") for e in o.val: if isinstance(e, HdlOp) and e.fn == HdlOpType.MUL: # wait for time w(" FOR ") self.visit_iHdlExpr(e.ops[0]) w(" ") self.visit_iHdlExpr(e.ops[1]) # elif : # wait until else: # wait on event w(" ON ") self.visit_iHdlExpr(e) w(";\n")
[docs] def visit_HdlStmThrow(self, o): """ :type o: HdlStmThrow """ raise ValueError("VHDL does not have exceptions")
[docs] def visit_HdlStmNop(self, o): """ :type o: HdlStmNop """ self.visit_doc(o) self.out.write("NULL;\n")
[docs] def visit_HdlStmWhile(self, o): """ :type o: HdlStmWhile :note: vhdl loop statement """ self.visit_doc(o) w = self.out.write if o.labels: w(o.labels[0]) w(": ") w("LOOP\n") with Indent(self.out): if not o.in_preproc and isinstance(o.body, HdlStmBlock): for _stm in o.body.body: self.visit_iHdlObj(_stm) else: self.visit_iHdlObj(o.body) w("END LOOP;\n")