hdlConvertorAst.hdlAst package

This package contains the containers for Hardware Description Language Abstract Syntax Tree (HDL AST)

(System) Verilog/VHDL can be converted by this format and back using this library Main container is HdlContext which can store all other objects.

note:this module is using PEP484 type hints, and the type hints are in comments to sustain Python 2.7 compatibility
attention:this module is just simple format of HDL and does not performs all check, e.g. you can use a string as a type of the port, but such a module generally can not be synthetised to a hardware
attention:classes in his module are used from C++
../../doc/uml_images/classes_hdlConvertorAst.hdlAst.png ../../doc/uml_images/packages_hdlConvertorAst.hdlAst.png


hdlConvertorAst.hdlAst.utils module

class hdlConvertorAst.hdlAst.utils.CodePosition[source]

Bases: object


Initialize self. See help(type(self)) for accurate signature.
